Source code for

"""Events interface

   Direct access to the events endpoint.

   The user is not expected to use this class directly. It is an attribute of the
   :class:`Archivist` class.

   For example instantiate an Archivist instance and execute the methods of the class:

   .. code-block:: python

      with open(".auth_token", mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as tokenfile:
          authtoken =

      # Initialize connection to Archivist
      arch = Archivist(
      asset = arch.assets.create(...)
      event =['identity'], ...)


from copy import deepcopy
from logging import getLogger
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

# pylint:disable=cyclic-import      # but pylint doesn't understand this feature
from . import confirmer
from .constants import (
from .dictmerge import _deepmerge
from .errors import ArchivistBadFieldError, ArchivistNotFoundError
from .sboms import sboms_parse

    from .archivist import Archivist

LOGGER = getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Event(dict): """Event Event object has dictionary attributes and properties. """ @property def when(self) -> "str | None": """when Timestamp of event """ try: when: str = self["timestamp_declared"] except KeyError: pass else: return when try: when: str = self["timestamp_accepted"] except KeyError: pass else: return when return None @property def who(self) -> "str | None": """who Principal identity. """ try: who: str = self["principal_declared"]["display_name"] except (KeyError, TypeError): pass else: return who try: who: str = self["principal_accepted"]["display_name"] except (KeyError, TypeError): pass else: return who return None
[docs] class _EventsPublic: """EventsPublic Access to events entities using the CRUD interface. This class is usually accessed as an attribute of the Archivist class. Args: archivist (Archivist): :class:`Archivist` instance """ def __init__(self, archivist_instance: "Archivist"): self._archivist = archivist_instance self._public = archivist_instance.public self._subpath = f"{archivist_instance.root}/{ASSETS_SUBPATH}" def __str__(self) -> str: return "EventsPublic()"
[docs] def _identity(self, identity: str) -> str: """Return fully qualified identity If public then expect a full url as argument """ if self._public: return identity return f"{self._subpath}/{identity}"
[docs] def read(self, identity: str) -> Event: """Read event Reads event. Args: identity (str): events identity e.g. assets/xxxxxxx.../events/yyyyyyy... Returns: :class:`Event` instance """ return Event(**self._archivist.get(f"{self._identity(identity)}"))
def _params( self, props: "dict[str, Any]|None", attrs: "dict[str, Any]|None", asset_attrs: "dict[str, Any]|None", ) -> "dict[str, Any]": params = deepcopy(props) if props else {} if attrs: params["event_attributes"] = attrs if asset_attrs: params["asset_attributes"] = asset_attrs return _deepmerge(self._archivist.fixtures.get(EVENTS_LABEL), params)
[docs] def count( self, *, asset_id: "str|None" = None, props: "dict[str, Any]|None" = None, attrs: "dict[str, Any]|None" = None, asset_attrs: "dict[str, Any]|None" = None, ) -> int: """Count events. Counts number of events that match criteria. Args: asset_id (str): optional asset identity e.g. assets/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx props (dict): optional properties e.g. {"confirmation_status": "CONFIRMED" } attrs (dict): optional attributes e.g. {"arc_display_type": "open" } asset_attrs (dict): optional asset_attributes e.g. {"arc_display_type": "door" } Returns: integer count of assets. """ # wildcarding not allowed when public - asset_id is required (not optional) # if asset_id is wildcarded a 401 will be returned from upstream if not self._public and not asset_id: asset_id = ASSETS_WILDCARD # The type checker rightly points out in the case of an event being public but with no # asset_id will cause issues in the _identity function and the count function LOGGER.debug("asset_id %s", asset_id) LOGGER.debug( "event_id %s", f"{self._identity(asset_id)}/{EVENTS_LABEL}", # pyright: ignore ) return self._archivist.count( f"{self._identity(asset_id)}/{EVENTS_LABEL}", # pyright: ignore params=self._params(props, attrs, asset_attrs), )
[docs] def list( self, *, asset_id: "str|None" = None, page_size: "int|None" = None, props: "dict[str, Any]|None" = None, attrs: "dict[str, Any]|None" = None, asset_attrs: "dict[str, Any]|None" = None, ): """List events. Lists events that match criteria. Args: asset_id (str): optional asset identity e.g. assets/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx props (dict): e.g. {"tracked": "TRACKED" } attrs (dict): e.g. {"arc_display_type": "open" } asset_attrs (dict): optional asset_attributes e.g. {"arc_display_type": "door" } page_size (int): optional page size. (Rarely used). Returns: iterable that returns :class:`Event` instances """ # wildcarding not allowed when public - asset_id is required (not optional) # if asset_id is wildcarded a 401 will be returned from upstream if not self._public: asset_id = asset_id or ASSETS_WILDCARD return ( Event(**a) for a in self._archivist.list( f"{self._identity(asset_id)}/{EVENTS_LABEL}", # pyright: ignore EVENTS_LABEL, page_size=page_size, params=self._params(props, attrs, asset_attrs), ) )
[docs] def read_by_signature( self, *, asset_id: "str|None" = None, props: "dict[str, Any]|None" = None, attrs: "dict[str, Any]|None" = None, asset_attrs: "dict[str, Any]|None" = None, ) -> Event: """Read event by signature. Reads event that meets criteria. Only one event is expected. Args: asset_id (str): optional asset identity e.g. assets/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx props (dict): e.g. {"tracked": "TRACKED" } attrs (dict): e.g. {"arc_display_type": "open" } asset_attrs (dict): optional asset_attributes e.g. {"arc_display_type": "door" } Returns: :class:`Event` instance """ # wildcarding not allowed when public - asset_id is required (not optional) # if asset_id is wildcarded a 401 will be returned from upstream if not self._public: asset_id = asset_id or ASSETS_WILDCARD return Event( **self._archivist.get_by_signature( f"{self._identity(asset_id)}/{EVENTS_LABEL}", # pyright: ignore EVENTS_LABEL, params=self._params(props, attrs, asset_attrs), ) )
[docs] class _EventsRestricted(_EventsPublic): """EventsRestricted Access to events entities using the CRUD interface. This class is usually accessed as an attribute of the Archivist class. Args: archivist (Archivist): :class:`Archivist` instance """ def __init__(self, archivist_instance: "Archivist"): super().__init__(archivist_instance) self.pending_count: int = 0 def __str__(self) -> str: return f"EventsRestricted({self._archivist.url})"
[docs] def create( self, asset_id: str, props: "dict[str, Any]", attrs: "dict[str, Any]", *, asset_attrs: "dict[str, Any]|None" = None, confirm: bool = False, ) -> Event: """Create event Creates event for given asset. Args: asset_id (str): asset identity e.g. assets/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx props (dict): properties for this event. attrs (dict): attributes of created event. asset_attrs (dict): attributes of referenced asset. confirm (bool): if True wait for event to be confirmed. Returns: :class:`Event` instance """ LOGGER.debug("Create Event %s/%s", asset_id, props) return self.create_from_data( asset_id, self._params(props, attrs, asset_attrs), confirm=confirm, )
[docs] def create_from_data( self, asset_id: str, data: "dict[str, Any]", *, confirm: bool = False ) -> Event: """Create event Creates event for given asset from data. Suitable for reading data from json.load or yaml.load from a file Args: asset_id (str): asset identity e.g. assets/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx data (dict): request body of event. confirm (bool): if True wait for event to be confirmed. Returns: :class:`Event` instance """ data = deepcopy(data) event_attributes = data["event_attributes"] # is location present? location = data.pop("location", None) if location is not None: if "identity" in location: data["event_attributes"]["arc_location_identity"] = location["identity"] else: loc, _ = self._archivist.locations.create_if_not_exists( location, ) event_attributes["arc_location_identity"] = loc["identity"] attachments = data.pop("attachments", None) if attachments is not None: for a in attachments: result = self._archivist.attachments.create(a) if a.get("type") == SBOM_RELEASE: sbom_result = sboms_parse(a) for k, v in sbom_result.items(): event_attributes[f"sbom_{k}"] = v event_attributes["sbom_identity"] = result["arc_blob_identity"] attachment_key = a.get("attachment", None) if attachment_key is None: # failing that create a key from filename or url attachment_key = self._archivist.attachments.get_default_key(a) event_attributes[attachment_key] = result data["event_attributes"] = event_attributes event = Event( **"{self._subpath}/{asset_id}/{EVENTS_LABEL}", data) ) if not confirm: return event event_id: str = event["identity"] return self.wait_for_confirmation(event_id)
[docs] def wait_for_confirmation(self, identity: str) -> Event: """Wait for event to be confirmed. Waits for event to be confirmed. Args: identity (str): identity of event Returns: True if event is confirmed. """ confirmer.MAX_TIME = self._archivist.max_time # pylint: disable=protected-access return confirmer._wait_for_confirmation(self, identity)
[docs] def wait_for_confirmed( self, *, asset_id: "str|None" = None, props: "dict[str, Any]|None" = None, attrs: "dict[str, Any]|None" = None, asset_attrs: "dict[str, Any]|None" = None, ) -> bool: """Wait for events to be confirmed. Waits for all events that match criteria to be confirmed. Args: asset_id (str): optional asset identity e.g. assets/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx props (dict): e.g. {"tracked": "TRACKED" } attrs (dict): e.g. {"arc_display_type": "open" } asset_attrs (dict): optional asset_attributes e.g. {"arc_display_type": "door" } Returns: True if all events are confirmed. """ asset_id = asset_id or ASSETS_WILDCARD # check that entities exist newprops = deepcopy(props) if props else {} newprops.pop(CONFIRMATION_STATUS, None) LOGGER.debug("Count events %s", newprops) count = self.count( asset_id=asset_id, props=newprops, attrs=attrs, asset_attrs=asset_attrs ) if count == 0: raise ArchivistNotFoundError("No events exist") confirmer.MAX_TIME = self._archivist.max_time # pylint: disable=protected-access return confirmer._wait_for_confirmed( self, asset_id=asset_id, props=props, attrs=attrs, asset_attrs=asset_attrs, )
[docs] def publicurl(self, identity: str) -> str: """Read event public url Reads event public url. Args: identity (str): events identity e.g. assets/xxxxxxx.../events/yyyyyyy... Returns: :str:public url as a string """ body = self._archivist.get(f"{self._identity(identity)}:publicurl") publicurl = body.get("publicurl") if publicurl is None: raise ArchivistBadFieldError("No publicurl found in response") return publicurl