Base runner class for interpreting yaml story files.
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import partialmethod
from json import dumps as json_dumps
from logging import getLogger
from time import sleep as time_sleep
from types import GeneratorType
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable
from uuid import UUID
from .errors import ArchivistError, ArchivistInvalidOperationError
# pylint:disable=cyclic-import # but pylint doesn't understand this feature
# pylint:disable=missing-function-docstring
# pylint:disable=protected-access
from .archivist import Archivist
LOGGER = getLogger(__name__)
NOUNS = ("asset", "location", "subject")
def tree():
"""Recursive dict of dicts"""
return defaultdict(tree)
class _ActionMap(dict):
Map of actions and keywords for an action
# 'use_asset_label' gets the asset_idenity and can insert it in 3 places:
# 1. first positional argument
# 2. keyword arguments with key
# 3. keyword argument in first argument which is a dictionary.
# use_asset_label = 1 = first positional argument
# use_asset_label = "asset_id" = keyword argument
# use_asset_label = "-asset_id" = keyword argument in first argumemt that is
# a dictionary
# similarly for location and subjects labels
def __init__(self, archivist_instance: "Archivist"):
self._archivist = archivist_instance
# please keep in alphabetical order
"action": self._archivist.attachments.info,
"use_asset_label": "add_arg_identity",
self["ASSETS_COUNT"] = {
"action": self._archivist.assets.count,
"keywords": (
"action": self._archivist.assets.create_if_not_exists,
"keywords": ("confirm",),
"set_asset_label": True,
"use_location_label": "add_data_location_identity",
self["ASSETS_CREATE"] = {
"action": self._archivist.assets.create_from_data,
"keywords": ("confirm",),
"set_asset_label": True,
self["ASSETS_LIST"] = {
"action": self._archivist.assets.list,
"keywords": (
"action": self._archivist.assets.wait_for_confirmed,
"keywords": (
"action": self._archivist.composite.estate_info,
"action": self._archivist.compliance_policies.create_from_data,
"delete": self._archivist.compliance_policies.delete,
"action": self._archivist.compliance.compliant_at,
"keywords": ("report",),
"use_asset_label": "add_arg_identity",
self["EVENTS_CREATE"] = {
"action": self._archivist.events.create_from_data,
"keywords": ("confirm",),
"use_asset_label": "add_arg_identity",
"use_location_label": "add_data_location_identity",
self["EVENTS_COUNT"] = {
"action": self._archivist.events.count,
"keywords": (
"use_asset_label": "add_kwarg_asset_identity",
self["EVENTS_LIST"] = {
"action": self._archivist.events.list,
"keywords": (
"use_asset_label": "add_kwarg_asset_identity",
"action": self._archivist.locations.count,
"keywords": (
"action": self._archivist.locations.create_if_not_exists,
"keywords": ("confirm",),
"set_location_label": True,
self["LOCATIONS_LIST"] = {
"action": self._archivist.locations.list,
"keywords": (
self["LOCATIONS_READ"] = {
"action": self._archivist.locations.read,
"use_location_label": "add_arg_identity",
self["SUBJECTS_COUNT"] = {
"action": self._archivist.subjects.count,
"keywords": ("display_name",),
"action": self._archivist.subjects.create_from_data,
"delete": self._archivist.subjects.delete,
"set_subject_label": True,
"action": self._archivist.subjects.create_from_b64,
"delete": self._archivist.subjects.delete,
"set_subject_label": True,
"action": self._archivist.subjects.delete,
"use_subject_label": "add_arg_identity",
self["SUBJECTS_LIST"] = {
"action": self._archivist.subjects.list,
"keywords": ("display_name",),
self["SUBJECTS_READ"] = {
"action": self._archivist.subjects.read,
"use_subject_label": "add_arg_identity",
"action": self._archivist.subjects.update,
"keywords": (
"use_subject_label": "add_arg_identity",
"action": self._archivist.subjects.wait_for_confirmation,
"use_subject_label": "add_arg_identity",
def ops(self, action_name: str) -> "dict[str, Any]":
Get valid entry in map
ops = self.get(action_name)
if ops is None:
raise ArchivistInvalidOperationError(f"Illegal Action '{action_name}'")
return ops
def action(self, action_name: str) -> Callable:
Get valid action in map
# if an exception occurs here then the dict initialized above is faulty.
return self.ops(action_name).get("action") # pyright: ignore
def keywords(self, action_name: str) -> "tuple | None":
Get keywords in map
return self.ops(action_name).get("keywords")
def delete(self, action_name: str):
Get delete_method in map
return self.ops(action_name).get("delete")
def label(self, noun: str, endpoint: str, action_name: str) -> bool:
Return whether this action uses or sets label
return self.ops(action_name).get(f"{noun}_{endpoint}_label", False)
class _Step(dict): # pylint:disable=too-many-instance-attributes
def __init__(self, archivist_instance: "Archivist", **kwargs):
self._archivist = archivist_instance
self._args: "list[Any]" = []
self._kwargs: "dict[str, Any]" = {}
self._actions = None
self._action = None
self._action_name = None
self._data = {}
self._keywords = None
self._delete_method = None
self._labels = {}
self._labels["use"] = {}
self._labels["set"] = {}
def add_arg_identity(self, identity):
def add_kwarg_identity(self, key, identity):
self._kwargs[key] = identity
add_kwarg_asset_identity = partialmethod(add_kwarg_identity, "asset_id")
def add_data_identity(self, key, identity):
self._data[key] = {}
self._data[key]["identity"] = identity
add_data_location_identity = partialmethod(add_data_identity, "location")
def args(self, identity_method, step):
Add args and kwargs to action.
self._args = []
self._kwargs = {}
# keys are values that must be removed from the body of the request.
# These are typically 'confirm' or 'report'. Some of the actions
# have longer lists of keywords - these actions will be simplified
# when dataclasses are introduced and this code will be much simpler.
keys = []
keywords = self.keywords
if keywords is not None and len(keywords) > 0:
for k in keywords:
if k in step:
self._kwargs[k] = step[k]
# add the request body to the positional arguments...
self._data = {k: v for k, v in step.items() if k not in keys}
for noun in NOUNS:
label = self.get(f"{noun}_label")
func = self.label("use", noun)
if label is not None and func:
identity = self.identity_from_label(noun, identity_method)
if identity is None:
raise ArchivistInvalidOperationError(f"unknown {noun} '{label}'")
getattr(self, func)(identity)
if self._data:
def execute(self):
action = self.action
LOGGER.debug("action %s", action)
LOGGER.debug("args %s", self._args)
if len(self._kwargs) > 0:
LOGGER.debug("kwargs %s", self._kwargs)
response = action(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
response = action(*self._args)
# Some actions return a tuple
if isinstance(response, tuple):
response = response[0]
return response
def label(self, verb: str, noun: str):
if self._labels[verb].get(noun) is None:
self._labels[verb][noun] = self.actions.label(verb, noun, self.action_name)
return self._labels[verb][noun]
def identity_from_label(self, noun, identity_method):
label = self.get(f"{noun}_label")
if not label.startswith(f"{noun}s/"): # pyright: ignore
return identity_method(label)
uid = label.split("/")[1] # pyright: ignore
_ = UUID(uid, version=4)
except ValueError:
return None
return label
def description(self):
description = self.get("description")
if description is not None:
def delete(self):
return self.get("delete")
def print_response(self, response):
print_response = self.get("print_response")
if print_response:
# some responses are generators...
if isinstance(response, GeneratorType):
for e in response:
LOGGER.info("Response %s", json_dumps(e, indent=4))
LOGGER.info("Response %s", json_dumps(response, indent=4))
def wait_time(self):
wait_time = self.get("wait_time", 0)
if wait_time > 0:
LOGGER.info("Waiting for %d seconds", wait_time)
def actions(self):
if self._actions is None:
self._actions = _ActionMap(self._archivist)
return self._actions
def action(self) -> Callable:
if self._action is None:
self._action = self.actions.action(self.action_name)
return self._action
def delete_method(self):
if self._delete_method is None:
self._delete_method = self.actions.delete(self.action_name)
return self._delete_method
def keywords(self):
if self._keywords is None:
self._keywords = self.actions.keywords(self.action_name)
return self._keywords
def action_name(self):
if self._action_name is None:
action_name = self.get("action")
if action_name is None:
raise ArchivistInvalidOperationError("Missing Action")
self._action_name = action_name
return self._action_name
class _Runner:
ArchivistRunner takes a url, token_file.
def __init__(self, archivist_instance: "Archivist"):
self._archivist = archivist_instance
self.entities: defaultdict
self.deletions = {}
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"Runner({self._archivist.url})"
def __call__(self, config: "dict[str, Any]"):
The dict config contains a list of `steps` to be performed serially, e.g.
"steps": [
"step": {
"action": "ASSETS_CREATE",
"description": "Create a Radiation bag number one",
"wait_time": 10,
"attributes": {
"arc_display_name": "radiation bag 1",
"radioactive": True,
"radiation_level": 0,
"weight": 0,
- `action` is the operation to perform.
- `description` is what to print to the console.
- `wait_time` is time to wait before running the operation.
- `attributes` are the asset's attributes
To perform all the steps call the class instance.
except (ArchivistError, KeyError) as ex:
LOGGER.info("Runner exception %s", ex)
def run_steps(self, config: "dict[str, Any]"):
"""Runs all defined steps in self.config."""
self.entities = tree()
for step in config["steps"]:
def run_step(self, step: "dict[str, Any]"):
"""Runs a step given parameters and the type of step.
step (dict): the steps map.
# get step settings
s = _Step(self._archivist, **step.pop("step"))
# output description
# this is a bit clunky...
s.args(self.identity, step)
# wait for a number of seconds and then execute
response = s.execute()
if s.delete:
self.set_deletions(response, s.delete_method)
for noun in NOUNS:
label = s.get(f"{noun}_label")
if s.label("set", noun) and label is not None:
self.entities[label] = response
def set_deletions(self, response: "dict[str, Any]", delete_method):
"""sets entry to be deleted"""
if delete_method is not None:
identity = response["identity"]
self.deletions[identity] = delete_method
def delete(self):
"""Deletes all entities"""
for identity, delete_method in self.deletions.items():
LOGGER.info("Delete %s", identity)
def identity(self, name: str) -> "str|None":
"""Gets entity id"""
identity = self.entities[name]["identity"]
if isinstance(identity, str):
return identity
return None